
Thursday, 13 December 2012

Term 4 tasks to complete: Nicky

Term 4 tasks to complete
Written Language
Highlight the features of a narrative
“Three Billy Goats Gruff Story”
Complete a Popplet on celebrations and festivals
Complete a Wordle on Celebrations and Festivals
Complete your what I know about certain festivals and celebrations
Create questions on the festivals / countries that interest you
Participate in Voice Threads on celebrations and festivals
Written Language
Narrative Writing
Retell the Three Little Pigs Story in your own words - remembering the narrative features
Choose a festival from your country that you are studying.
Use Wall Wisher to write questions on your countries festival.
Use the painting examples from the Art tab to create your very own abstract art work
Complete this term’s Reading follow up activities
Create a keywords list to use as search tems.
Research your festival using a variety of sources - books, internet, people.
Put the information into your own words.
Reference your sources you have used in your research
Create a presentation on your international celebration
Written Language
Write your own narrative
Research our focus artist this term: Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. Click on the art tab.
Make a Popplet on what you have found out about him.
Embed your popplet into your own blog.
If Popplet does not work, use Google Draw or Wall Wisher. You can also use Google images and find some of his other artworks.
Written Language
Self Assessment-
Self assess yourself against the Narrative Checklist.
Use your own narrative to assess yourself against.
Take a screenshoot and upload it onto your blog. Write an explanation, explaining what your strengths were in your writing and what your next learning steps are.
Written Language
Peer Assessment.
Ask a friend who is up to the same stage as you to peer assess you against the Narrative Checklist. Get them to click Share and get them to email you the document so you can screenshot it and put it onto your blog. Then get your friend to write on your post what your strengths and next learning steps are.
Complete this week’s follow up reading sheet.
Complete the requirements for Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day
(online maths programme)
Create your own presenter notes for your presentation. This can be done under Google presentations or on the cue cards
Complete your grid (sketch) using a ruler, pencil and rubber. This needs to be done as I want everyone to be painting.
If you are behind, ask a friend who is up to date with their art to show you
Written Language Narrative

Character Description

Describe any of these Shakespeare characters from Shared Story

Community Service - Participating and Contributing
Make comments on the blog of the week blogs that have been featured in the assemblies this term

Also the Junior School have been creating a lot of posts recently visit their blogs and make comments. Remember to take a screen shot of your comment and upload it onto your blog
Art Reflection

Complete your art reflection on the abstract painting based on Friedrich Vordemberg Guildewart
Upload your international Topic Celebration onto your blog
Upload your International Celebration Rubric onto your blog
Put your International Comic Life onto your Blog
Put your New Zealand Celebration / Festivals presentation up onto your blog
Put your New Zealand Celebrations Rubric onto your blog
Complete a Comic Life poster on your New Zealand Celebration
Plan / measure Endless Rhythm Artwork
Paint Endless Rhythm Artwork
Complete Endless Rhythm Art Reflection
Research the Endless Rhythm Artist: Robert Delaunay and answer the questions about him. Present your information on a Popplet or on Wall Wisher
Written Language
Complete Bio Poem
Written Language
Enter into the Minstrel’s competition. Write a story on a favourite Fishing trip you have experienced
Written Language
Complete 2012 Netbook Reflection
Written Language
Complete recount / procedure on the Traffic Light Jelly experience
Take a screen shot of your Maths Whizz Progress.
Write a reflection on how you’re going
Complete Volume and Capacity sheet
Life Education
Complete Life Education Tasks
End of year
Take part in the class item for our sharing assembly. Learn speaking parts and practise dance movements
Christmas Crafts
Complete crafts and activities related to Christmas
Endless Rhythm Art Reflection
This is my Term 4 tasks to complete, as you can see I've probably done more than half of my work. There's still one more week of school so some tasks we haven't even started yet but we will maybe next week. This year has been really fun, especially all of the topic work because that's the main subject that I enjoy! 

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